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For patients with epilepsy who take gabapentin three times per day, do not allow more than 12 hours to pass between any 2 doses. The medicine works best if a constant amount is in the blood. Neurontin capsules, tablets, and solution may be taken with or without food. another pet or taken by a human? Gabapentin should only be given to the cat that it has been prescribed for: Do not give to other pets in the household sebulex Compare prices save on prescription medications like Synthroid, Dexcom, Finasteride, Gabapentin, Tramadol, Tadalafil, Amlodipine with Costco’s by V Spano 2024 Cited by 3Gabapentin appears to be well-tolerated in cats with minimal adverse effects up to a dose of 47.6 mg/kg/dose (Pankratz et al, 2024). While these findings are In the past few years, feline veterinarians have discovered that Gabapentin can aide in examining some kitties that have previously had to be